Shopping Guide

Welcome to Kiwi-TrendyShop!
Sincere, good service is our management policy!
We sincerely to search all good product for u, so all our goods are 100% original ! ^^
以下是本店的订购规则与条例, 为了避免发生不必要的冲突和误会, 希望各位能花点时间看过并了解本店所有的订购规则与条例哦!
The following is are some ordering rules and regulations, it is to avoid unnecessary conflicts and misunderstandings, I hope u will take the time to read and understand shop orders rules and regulations ! TQ!
购物须知Shopping Guide 

1。本店的商品已尽量调至最合理的价格, 不能再接受顾客议价,希望顾客原谅. 如果可以, 本店铺铁定会给顾客打折扣.All our goods have been transferred to the most reasonable price, we no longer accept the bargain, hope u can understand. If convenient, we definitely give customer discount.

2。 所有的商品价格未包括邮费。All produrt price are not including postage.

3。所有的产品,一经拆封使用,恕无法退货.All product that had been opened use are not exchangable.

4。本店只保证产品日期属实,不保证产品是否能达到您所期待的效果,所有产品描述皆来自官方资料及网络信息产品效果见仁见智,因人而异! 若您到大商场购买也只是保证质量不保证效果哦!有些产品和资料皆来自于中国,介意的mm请别下单哦~We only guarantee the product are original, does not guarantee the product to achieve your desired results, all products described are from the official information and network effects information! If you go to department stores to buy also only quality assurance, do not guarantee results! Some of the products and information are from China, please do not place orders if u cant eccept!

5。一旦发生产品不适应、过敏, 没有预期效果等事件, 本店不承担任何责任, 请您理性看待, 避免产生不必要的误会.If the product are not suited to use, allergies, not getting expected results and other events, we does not accept any responsibility, please take a rational view, to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding!

6。所有护肤品彩妆等都经过过敏测试, 但不代表所有人都不过敏. 同样商品的期待程度每个人都不同,要求也不同,所以请不要以没有自己想的那么好或者没有达到您所想要的效果这类理由来要求退换货哦!All skin care products, cosmetics and so on are past on allergy testing, but does not mean that all people are not allergic. The same level of expectation for each commodity is different, with different requirements, so please do not think that the product are not reach ur expected result or so on to request for return!

7。下单后,请24小时内付100%的款项!除非mm已经先前交代清楚,否则就取消订单了哦!After place ur order, please make fully payment within 24hour ! Unless u has been previously explained clearly, otherwise cancel the order!

8。汇款后,如要取消订单,汇款不会被退还。请mm们做好决定才下单。After the remittance, if u wan to cancel the order, the remittance will not be refunded. Please do double confirm before orders!

9。如顾客选的商品缺货了并付款了,将会退还100%的款额给该顾客。If customers choose and pay for goods are out of stock, we will refund 100% of the amount to the customer!

10。图片的颜色和实货可能会有偏差,一切以实物为准!所有的衣服品质,布料风险全由顾客承担。Physical picture of the color and product may be bias, all to prevail in kind! All the clothing quality fabrics from the customer to bear all the risks!

11。一律不接受以颜色不喜欢,色差,没有想像中漂亮,穿着不舒服,人为造成的瑕疵,做工质量不好,布料薄,没有图片中的漂亮,洗后褪色,好透明,太大或者太小等主观理由进行调换。Will not accept does not like the colour, not as pretty, wearing uncomfortable, man-made flaws, poor quality workmanship, fabric is thin, not beautiful as pictures, fade after washing, good transparency, too much or too subjective grounds such as exchange!

12。由于个人电脑显示器会因不同的设置而产生不同的色调, 而每个人对于颜色的辨识度并不一样,我们无法保证您所看到的商品的颜色与商品实际颜色完全一致。如果因为厂方新一批货品的布料与拍摄时那一批有不一样,我将尽力在网页上说明。As all the computer colours displays are different, one for each colour are not as recognizable, we can not guarantee that the colour u see are exactly the same with the real product. If a new batch of factory goods fabric and shooting that a number of different, we will try to explain the web!

13。邮寄途中的损坏本店一概不负责。如果货物在邮寄途中遗失,我们三方面将讨论如何解决~Way to shop by mail will not responsible for damage. If the goods are in transit loss, we will discuss how to solve between three site!

14。请顾客自行再三确定订单详情, 收货人电话与地址. 因顾客订单详情填写错误而造成顾客的一切损失, 本店一概不负责任.Please confirm ur order details (name,contact number, mailliang address) over and over again. We does not put any responsibility due to loss on any loss/error on customer orders detail! 

15。我会在出货前仔细检查商品,确保在零瑕疵的情况下出货。We will carefully check the goods before shipment to ensure zero defects in the case of shipments!

16。如果您对网上下单操作有困难,你同样也可以通过电邮、sms或其它方式进行下单,我们将会全程协助你完成下单的工作。If u do not convenient to place order online, you can also e-mail, sms us, we will help u to complete the whole process work orders!

17。所有商品一旦出售,怒不退不换。除非是店主有误也不退款只会换商品。All goods that had been sold, wont accept any return/exchange. Unless its our error process case!

18。注意,下了订单就相等于您已阅读并同意以上所有条规.Note that, under the order it will equal you have read and agree to all of the above regulations!

Special Note:
Although we will be strict inspections before shipment, but when there is imperfection returns ~ So before you must advance through Phone or Email to contact us to inform ur order number and returns cargo reason, kindly provice us ur contact number and provide us quality images, we will solvo it together!

祝大家:购物愉快! I wish you all: HAPPY SHOPPING!
~~谢谢!Thank you!~~

重要!有问题请及时联系请不要恶意给中差评,我们的宗旨是销售是起点,服务无终点! 请相信我们能给你最好的售后服务!如果在购物的过程中遇上什么问题,请及时联系我们,好让我们给您个愉快的网购!
Important! Any problems please contact us immediately, please do not malicious to poor assessmentad, our philosophy is to sell is the starting point, but service no end! Please believe that we can give you the best service! Shopping process if any problem encountered, please contact us so that we can give you a pleasant online shopping!

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