可起到舒缓身心紧张,解除疲劳,增添生活情趣的作用。在用其进行足浴后,睡眠质量可得到改善,入睡快,睡得香.其所富含的温泉矿物质有效成分,能提高"温浴"效果,有效防止感冒。可促进全身血液循环,有效缓解肩,背,腰,腿寒症, 改善肩背酸痛等肢体不适。可活跃体内元气,调理丈腑,疏通经络,促进新陈代谢,增强体抗力。
用于足浴时, 其天然成分可完全渗透并软化足部角质层, 修复皮下组织,使之保持滋润光滑与清洁。所含清洁滋润成分可从分溶解足部产生的代谢废物,防止脚汗,脚气所引起的粘湿感,对脚干,脚裂有良好的改善作用。 并可防治皮肤病和脚气。
本产品采用进口优质水晶泥, 芦荟, 在配以天然植物香薰精油经过精心加工而成,对足部具有收汗除臭,润肤止痒,起到保健强身,愉悦身心,通过香薰油的芳香疗法起到镇定,舒缓精神紧张,提高记 忆力,促进身心健康,起到延年益寿之功效。
Help to relieve stress and tiredness. Quality of sleeping could be improved (fall asleep faster) after the spa.
• This jelly foot spa enrich with active hot spring ingredients that can helps to prevent from getting colds effectively.
• Helps to increase blood circulation, effectively alleviate shoulder, back, waist, legs poor blood circulation. Relieve shoulders and back pain effectively.
• Enhance body strength, recuperate internal organs, clear the meridians, promote metabolism and increase body resistance.
• It natural ingredients help to penetrate and soften the cuticle of foot, repair and subcutaneous tissue. This may also helps to keep your foot moisture and clean always. These moisturizing ingredients will also helps to generate sub-soluble metabolic waste to prevent sweaty foots especially athlete's foot that always feel wet and sticky after exercise. Besides, this is also good for dry and cracked feet as it will moisture the feet and prevent from getting skin diseases and odour foot.
This product is using imported and high-quality crystal mud, Aloe Vera and natural plant essential oil to process it. Its help to prevent foot from sweating (hence overcome the problem of odour foot), skin itching and helps to release mental and physical pleasure. You can relieve stress, improve your memory, and increase health physically and mentally through the essential oil aromatherapy.
用法与用量:取本品I号剂一包加入 4~5KG热水 (45~50‘C), 待全部溶胀后, 将双脚伸入浴足,浴完后再加II号剂一包,待到全部稀解融化后, 将脚取出查干即可。
Usage and Dosage : Add the jelly herb foot spa "I" into 4~5KG of warm water (45~50'C). Wait until the entire foot spa to swelling into jelly form and put your foot into it. After that, pour in the jelly herb foot spa II" into the water. Soak your leg until all the jelly melts into water. Finally, clean and pat dry your feet.
Pour in Jelly Foot Spa “I” into basin !
Add 4~5KG of warm water which is about 45~50 Celcius !
Put in your feet when all the powder become ‘jelly’ !
You may relax your body and play with it !
Pour in Jelly Foot Spa “II” into it. You will feel it starts to dissolve into water. Finally, you may clean and pat dry your foot once all the jelly is dissolves!
对本品过敏不适者请立即停止使用或等待回复后再用,本品为外用物品。 其他详情请见本品外包装。 人老足先衰!足部又称为人身体的第二心脏!
进场护 理足部,通过足部反射和经络传达到内腑,起到保健强身,愉悦身心的功效!
泡脚是根据中医辨证论治的原则及中医经络转导理论和脏象学说以及现代医学的皮肤粘膜 吸收与物理刺激原理,加入建脾补肾,活血化瘀,清热解毒的中药,通过药液对足底反射区和穴位的刺激和渗透作用,达到疏通经脉,促进气血运行,调理阴阳平衡,增强肾脏疾病的作用!
五丈六腑通过经络互相连接,足与脏腑中的肾脏关系最为亲密,双足有六十多个穴位,六条经脉经过足部,药浴时, 通过各种刺激就如同针灸这些穴位和反射区,活血化瘀,清热排毒药液中的离子通过经络输布到全身,从而达到疏通经脉,改善血液循环,促进气血运行,加速体内新陈代谢残物排出,并且有发汗作用,达到排毒功效。健脾补肾药物离子,药物气味可通过皮肤,经脉入肾脏,刺激肾脏,促进肾脏功能恢复。
强力推荐这款水晶泥,一日好奇,用了一代。后来就一发不可收拾的爱上了它,真的好舒服。才上面就像踩在沙滩上的感觉一样,软软的。脚揉进去,觉得脚上的皮肤好像在吸水一 样, 把洗脚变成一种享受的超级乐趣!现在身边的朋友推荐下都在使用,好评不断~快来试试吧~你也会爱上它的!
01. 强身健身,延年益寿
02. 防治神经衰弱和失眠
03. 防治高血压
04. 防治风湿关节炎
05. 防治腿脚麻木
06. 防治糖尿病
07. 防治感冒,祛寒暖身
08. 美容减肥
09. 防治脑溢血
10. 消除疲劳,诗人感到身心愉快
1. 心脏不好的人,如果在心脏的反射区按摩,就会导致血压升高
2. 有溃疡的病人,如果用力过大,会使溃疡面积不断扩大
3. 身体虚弱的病人,有皮肤病或 换有骨质疏松的人,也不要去做足疗
4. 吐血,便血,脑出血,胃出血等各种严重出血病患者,做足疗促进血液循环,有可能引起更大面积的出血
5. 妇女经期和妊娠期,做足疗可能发生大出血和流产的情况
Note :
Please stop using it immediately if you are allergic to this product once you use it. This product is for external use only. For more details, please refer to the product packaging.
Suitable for :
Female, Male, Elders and Youngster
Ten Foot Reflexology benefits:
1. Improve physical fitness
2. Prevent from neurasthenic and insomnia
3. Prevent and control high blood pressure
4. Help to control rheumatoid arthritis.
5. Prevent from legs and feet numbness
6. Control Diabetes
7. Prevent from getting cold and ensure your body is warm
8. Slimming and beauty purposes
9. Prevent from stroke
10. To eliminate fatigue
Reflexology is not suitable for people who:
1. Have heart that is weak. This is due to it will lead to high blood pressure once repeat massaging at the reflex zone of the heart.
2. Ulcer patient. The area of ulcers will expand if too much of force been used during massaging.
3. Frail patients who have skin diseases or those who have osteoporosis.
4. Hematemesis, blood in stool, cerebral hemorrhage, patients with sever hemorrhage. It may lead to even larger area of hemorhage.
5. Women's menstruation and pregnancy. Bleeding and abortion will be occurring.
Ginseng Jelly Foot Spa:Keep our body warm, whitening skin, build up body immunity
Herbs Jelly Foot Spa:Prevent from skin itchiness and stay health
Jasmine Jelly Foot Spa:Good in eliminate depression, minimize dead skin
Lavender Jelly Foot Spa:Physical and physiological relieve that will improve the quality of sleeping time
lemon Jelly Foot Spa:Elimination of anxiety and refreshing
Rose Jelly Foot Spa:Good for release tension, nourishing the skin (more suitable for girls)玫瑰
水晶泥:治疗神经紧张,滋养皮肤 (比较适合女生)
Milk and Pearl Jelly Foot Spa:Prevent from body odour and skin itchiness, natural whitening
1Set : RM42
3Set : RM120
5Set : RM175 (1Set = 7 Taste )
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